Cornerstone Society - Estate Giving

Your estate gift to Bridge Communities can help change the lives of families experiencing homelessness in DuPage County, achieve your financial goals, and leave a lasting legacy of generosity.

How will you be remembered?

Your decision to make an estate gift is a personal statement about what you care about and who you are.

Your estate gift to Bridge Communities can help change the lives of families experiencing homelessness in DuPage County, achieve your financial goals, and leave a lasting legacy of generosity.

There are many way to make a lasting legacy and receive the assurance that your personal goals will be achieved in perpetuity. 

To learn how you can Create Your Legacy, please contact Kristin Short at 630-403-5101. All inquiries will be held in strict confidence.

Cornerstone Society

The Cornerstone Society honors those who have made a commitment to the future of Bridge Communities through an estate gift, such as a bequest, living trust, life insurance, charitable gift annuity or other arrangement. 

When you designate Bridge Communities as the recipient of your estate gift, you are inducted into the Cornerstone Society.  The names of members who choose to be recognized (as opposed to those who wish to remain anonymous) will be listed in Bridge Communities' annual report and other publications related to the Cornerstone Society.  Members will also receive invitations to special recognition and mission events.

Zed and Cheryl Francis are charter members of the Cornerstone Society for Bridge Communities.  As longtime volunteers and donors to Bridge Communities, they felt it was only natural to include Bridge Communities in their estate plans.  To assure that the Francis' philanthropic goals will be achieved, they have created a new family foundation as part of their estate plans.  The foundation will provide funding for Bridge Communities along with other charities important to the Francis'. 

You can also become a member of the Cornerstone Society.  If you are interested in exploring your planned giving options, please contact Kristin Short at 630-403-5101. 

Assets You Can Give to Bridge Communities

Under your will or other estate planning agreements, you can provide not only for your loved ones, but for organizations like Bridge Communities.  These special gifts will make a lasting impact on the services that Bridge can provide to families facing homelessness.  When making or revising your will or other estate plan agreements, you should obtain the assistance of an advisor or attorney. 

Assets Options to Consider:

Cash - maximize your charitable deduction and deliver immediate benefits to Bridge Communities.

Life Insurance - use an unneeded policy to make a lasting donation.  Donate an unfulfilled policy and use the annual premium payments as your annual contribution to Bridge Communities.

Real Estate - make a gift to Bridge Communities through a transfer of developed residential or commercial real estate.  Consider donating your rental property to help Bridge Communities grow its capacity to serve more needy families.

Retirement Plans - The balance of your retirement plan may be worth more when donated to Bridge Communities than to your heirs.

Appreciated Securities - The IRS allows you one of its most significant tax breaks for gifts of appreciated securities.  The donation of securities is easy through Bridge's partnership with The Northern Trust Bank.

Personal Property - Support Bridge Communities with a donation of appraised personal property, such as jewelry, equipment or artwork.  All donations are subject to appraisal and marketability.

Notify Bridge Communities of an Estate Plan Gift

Bridge Communities welcomes a variety of estate gifts from individuals that wish to Create Your Legacy of providing long-term change and self-sufficiency to families facing homelessness.  We hope that those who have named Bridge Communities as the beneficiary of a will, insurance policy, trust or other planned gift arrangement will share their names with us, so that we may show our appreciation.  In recognition of this generosity and dedication to supporting the mission of Bridge Communities into the future, those individuals who have named Bridge Communities as the beneficiary of an estate gift will be welcomed as a charter member of the Cornerstone Society. 

Notifying Bridge Communities of estate gifts helps us to project the future community support needed to help families move from homelessness to permanent housing and self-sufficiency. 

Download a document to notify Bridge Communities of your charitable plans.

Thank you for sharing this important information with us.  Your generosity will ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of Bridge Communities and our work within the community. All information is held in confidence.