
"I’m taking control of my life again."
Ambar had suffered for many years, abused by the fists and betrayals of her children’s father, before she was able to break free.
And then, two years ago, Ambar lost her job — and her entire world fell apart.
Her lowest point came when she found a five-day eviction notice tacked to her apartment door.
“I had lost my job, my money, and my self-respect, and I was about to lose my home,” Ambar remembers. “I lost myself in a very dark hole, and I became numb.”
Time was running out for Ambar—and she knew it. But she didn’t see any way out.
She was at the Loaves & Fishes food pantry a few days after the five-day notice, carrying a box of food for her children and near tears, when someone suggested she look into Bridge Communities.
Ambar was terrified to reach out for help. “I couldn’t take another person telling me no. I felt so scared, but I knew I had to try, because I was desperate to keep a roof over my kids’ heads.”
And because of Bridge supporters like you, Ambar and her children found safety in a Bridge apartment.
In the months that Ambar has been in Bridge, she has worked hard to heal from years of trauma—and she is doing it, in part, because of you. Says Ambar, “I had to lean into the pain of my past. Believing that no one would harm me has been so hard because I haven’t trusted anyone for a long time.”
Do you know what is the biggest transformation in Ambar’s life?
For the first time, Ambar and her children are learning how to become a family.
“I was terrified to actually parent my kids,” she says. “But my mentors have really walked me into motherhood. And now, my children and I have daily bonding time. You can’t put a price on having dinner together as a family every night.”
Just like a phoenix, Ambar is rising from the ashes, with strength and grace. “I know pain,” she says. “But I refuse to give any more power to it. I’m taking control of my life again.”
Since day one, Ambar's goal was to save to purchase a home for her family. And we're thrilled to say that less than two years later, she has just been approved on the purchase of a condo!
Ambar will always be thankful for you being there at the hardest time in her life.
“Most people would only say thank you, but my way of being grateful is by succeeding,” she says. “You’ve given me not only housing, but now I can trust again. And soon, I will have the security and happiness I’ve never had before.”
Client Update
Ambar has just purchased a condo for her family!